Except the town turned on the Colemans. Death threats came through, threats to assault Daisy's older brother who was booed in wrestling matches, and a girl showing up to a dance competition wearing a shirt saying "Matt 1, Daisy 0." Daisy was cut from the cheerleading squad unexpectedly, and her mother fired from the local veterinary clinic. Then the charges were dropped, and the video of the assault was conveniently never found. One of the first tweets towards Daisy read, "Fuck yea. That’s what you get for bein a skank : )." The entire town turned on them so horribly the whole family moved out, leaving their house up for sale. This April, a fire struck the home, burning it to the ground: there's very little doubt foul play wasn't involved.
Daisy still lives with her stigma, being in regular therapy, spending four stints in a local hospital, attending a local Girls Town, and attempting to take her own life twice. Two of the accused are now at Northwest Missouri State, both unscathed, and one's mother asking the Colemans for an apology. Matthew Barrett is now at Central Missouri, where this tweet got collected by the Kansas City Star before he went private:
“If her name begins with A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z, she wants the D.”The horrible truth in this case is how often high school football players, no matter how deep the evidence, are protected by their town. And no doubt little will change; a year after Steubenville, a Gawker article featured a citizen who defended her town. Her excuse was an applause for an opposing team being boat raced by their town's Big Red: "If we were such terrible, football-obsessed people, why would we have clapped?" Yes, because applauding a losing team shows you were not willing to stick your heads in the sand and ignore a rape. And like Steubenville, rumors of Anonymous descending on the town have circled, meaning things could get very ugly.
But for now, it's another sad reminder of our country: football always wins. No one is an exception.
Read more of Dugan Arnett's story in the Kansas City Star, and if you can, send it to as many people as you can, so that his excellent journalism can be seen. A true dialog needs to happen: the Navies, Steubenvilles, and Lizzy Seebergs need to stop. Now.
Top image courtesy MaxPreps.
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