The Round Mound of Rebound recently appeared on CNBC's Closing Bell, where Maria Baritromo asked Charles about the Zimmerman/Martin case. Never afraid to speak his mind, Barkley took on the case as it went through the media.
BARKLEY: I just feel bad because I don't like when race gets out in the media, because I don't think the media has a pure heart, as I call it. There are very few people have a pure heart when it comes to race. Racism is wrong in any, shape, form. There are a lot of black people who are racist too. I think sometimes when people talk about racism they act like only white people are racist. There are a lot of black people who are racist. And I don't like when it gets out there in the media because I don’t think the media has clean hands...And like I said, the main thing I feel bad for, it gives every white person and black person who is racist a platform to vent their ignorance.
BARKLEY: You know, that’s the thing that bothered me the most because I watched this trial closely, and I watched all these people on television talking about it. A lot of these people have a hidden agenda. You know, they want to have their racist views, whether they are white or black.
BARTIROMO: The bias comes out.
BARKLEY: The bias, it definitely comes out. It was a bad situation. We all lost. And I feel bad for his parents. You don't ever want to see anybody lose a kid.
Barkley did say he agreed on the verdict based on the lack of evidence, believing Zimmerman was wrong for profiling, but Martin did "flip the switch" and start attacking Zimmerman. As Charles said, "It was a bad situation. We all lost."
Read more at Deadspin.
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